Report carnivores and aggressive wildlife in town:
Banff - 403-762-1470
Canmore - 403-591-7755
Banff - 403-762-1470
Canmore - 403-591-7755
Leashes save lives. Learn how.
Dogs are welcome residents of Banff and Canmore, but unrestrained dogs can cause stress for wildlife. Even the most obedient dogs may harass wildlife to protect their humans.
Off-leash dogs can trigger aggressive behaviour in bears, coyotes, cougars and elk. A dog running loose may bring back an agitated animal to the dog owner or other people. Humans, especially children are at risk of injury or death.
A bear, cougar or coyote made aggressive by a roaming dog may have to be relocated away from its home or killed. Show you care about wildlife and protect your pet and yourself. Leash your dog at all times.
Follow these tips to keep pets and wildlife safe:
Waste attracts wildlife. Learn why that's bad.
Canmore and Banff have bear-proof waste bins to protect humans and wildlife. But they are made useless if humans fail to put garbage inside securely.
Household waste can attract carnivores into town. Food and drink containers really appeal to wildlife. But even furniture and appliances have food aromas that can attract large animals. And leaving bottles outside a bin is not doing anyone any favours.
Carnivores who learn to find food in town put humans and pets at risk. And if they are habituated, they might need to be relocated or killed. Bin it if you care.
Follow these tips to dispose of waste responsibly:
“Carnivores that learn to come into town put people, pets and themselves at risk.”
Greasy barbecues attract carnivores. Keep people, pets and wildlife safe.
The scent of last night’s dinner is a powerful draw for bears and other wildlife. After a taste for human food they will keep returning for more, which can make them bold and aggressive. A dirty BBQ puts you, your pets, and your neighbours kids at risk.
And a bear that keeps coming back for seconds may need to be relocated away from its home or even killed.
Do your part to save wildlife by avoiding attracting animals.
Follow these tips to keep your barbecue clean—and everyone safe:
Fruit trees attract wildlife. Learn how to wildproof your yard.
Fruit trees and shrubs have become even more attractive to bears as we've gotten better at removing access to garbage and food waste. When they learn where to get food, they’ll continue returning, getting bolder and more aggressive. Even without contact, a bear in town may need to be relocated away from its home. Repeat visitors may even need to be killed
Follow these tips to keep bears and our community safe:
They feed more than just birds. Avoid a deadly confrontation.
Bird feeders may seem like an innocent addition to your yard, but remember they attract bears, and coyotes. Spilled bird feed also attracts deer, which attract carnivores into town. Animals who learn to find food in town put humans and pets at risk. Carnivores could be relocated away from their home or even killed.
Bird feeders are illegal in Banff year-round, April-November in Canmore and it’s a crime to feed any wildlife in Banff National Park all year round.
Follow these tips to avoid attracting predators:
“Most residents know it’s illegal to feed wildlife. That applies to bird feeders too.”
Keep animals out. Wildproof your property.
Patios and crawl spaces under sheds or stairs are attractive hiding or denning places for cougars, foxes, bears, coyotes, and other animals. Proactive prevention is the best way to keep carnivores from taking up residence in your residence.
Blocking holes and covering access to hiding places will keep your pets and neighbours safe, and could prevent the need to relocate or kill habituated wild animals.
Spring is the best time to wild-proof your property, with an extra check before winter.
Follow these tips to avoid attracting animal guests: